Booming Sand is something that I can truly say I have never heard of until today. Booming sand is the name that they have given to the sand dooms that put off sounds. Cali tech team did a study on this phenomenon to see why the sand makes this sound. The team discovered that one of the reasons behind it is the layers or sand that makes up the sand dooms. There are two layers to these sand dooms the top lose layer and the damp layer underneath that creates surface tension to keep both of the layers together. Once the top layer dries out that is when cohesion begins and pretty much cause the first layer to shed off. This sends an avalanche of sand down the dooms sending the potential energy into kinetic energy as the sand moves.
The researchers when out to the dooms to test their theory by having five or six different people sliding down at once to try to send the first layer down and make a sound. The experiment was a success then they did further testing that reviled these sand dooms as having a unusual trait that made them different from the rest. The difference is these the sand grains of these sand dooms are all the same size so when they hit each other they hit at the same frequency. The last thing they discovered was that the degree of mobility of the top layer compared to the layer underneath was another factor that causes the sound. They are still doing studies on it though hoping to one day find all the answer to why the sand makes noise.
As a teacher and student it is pretty neat to see the booming sand on video and not only that but to learn about something in another place of the world. It helps us be more knowledgeable about the world and not just what is going on in the United States.